JCL: Thanks for the hint. Actually I know what culling, BSP and ABT means in general.

My question comes from the past experience of the "old" BSP system. I will explain more deeply to make it more clear:
The former system works with WED-blocks and produces many render batches through transfering single polygons. Besides that it does what BSP should do: it hides some geometry.
But it was too slow to apply shaders. Direct-X loves to get only few render jobs with higher amount of polygons instead of dozens of jobs with only a few polies.

Besides that the access to the second uv-set plus shadow map was not really clear.

I would like to see this in the new BSP-demo how fast it renders big worlds with shaders and shadowmaps. There is surely more involved than just BSP, but the result is important to the users.
A BSP vs. ABT demo with huge indoor and outdoor level is even better to show the advantages of each system (outdoor vs. indoor, ABT vs. BSP).

Maybe I did not explain everything perfectly right. You are far more experiencened with DX, culling and so on.
But as you can see above the former scene-management had much to do with render speed and shaders. There was a reason that nobody achieved to apply shaders to block-levels fast enough.

Nevertheless I am looking forward to this demo to check if it is worth upgrading to A7 pro.