
Doesn't look bad, but you didn't change much since the contest 2002, did you?

Like I say, this is just a newer version of what we've been selling since 2002 with Strip Kittens, the only difference is that the Bikini3D girls don't get naked. But see the next section for more on this...


I would recommend you to update to a6 with the new lighting system and the bone animations, that would really improve the visual quality. And with the latest a6 version (still in beta) you could even add some shaders (per-pixel lighting, shape blending...).

We used A5.51 at one point for some newer Strip Kittens girls and got a ton of complaints from previous users (and demo downloaders) that the new versions did not work on their older video cards (due to the newer way it handled DX). Most of our customers are repeat customers, meaning they buy every girl we come out with, so that was a huge problem. Because of this, we reverted back to A5.24 and re-released those particular girls. We would have loved to use A6 for the Bikini3D girls but the whole point of this project was to make money and a large portion of our traffic base are using older video cards so we kept with what we knew would work on the largest base of computers. We would try the new A6 betas for Bikin3D if we intended on continuing with the 3D girl programs, but we've moved on the other projects and at this point there's not a whole lot of sense in fixing what isn't broken.


Anyway, I would rework the security system.

After 10 years in the game development industry I've picked up on a security theory that I follow myself. There is no sense in spending more than a small amount of time and money developing a totally secure system, as that system will be broken in days. We knew Strip Kittens (and Bikini3D) would be popular on the warez boards and that anything we did would be cracked anyway, so why spend the extra time and money trying to fight it beyond a few simple measures to scare off the casual pirates? We're not in this to write secure systems, we're in it to have fun and make money. People will steal no matter what system you have in place.