Let me explain dudes the game will be no RPG
It will be a full third player view game.
The ghost catching will take place as it happens in the movie. So it's no simple shooter.

Also you be driving the ecto-1 car though the city

my goal is to make GB a game it deserves and not those dum
2D rpg flat simple games/mods thats been out there. You not killing a ghost you trapp it.

Short storyline based on old commodore 64 game :

You own a ghostbusters franchise
the bank gives you 50.000 dollar to set up your busniss.
You have 5 months to pay the bank back.

The screens you see are like well test settings. there no full levels more like a studio settup to show stuff.

Ghostbuster model is in the making aswel as the proton pack and gun

The game will have actual sound samples from the movie.

The game will use part I as baseline but you see how some setting could make you recognize other things.

Happy gb

So yeah the : Sta-Puff Marshmellow man will be in there to

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