Interesting question, with the internet and computer games, kids now a days are a lot less social with women and other people in general. It's difficult to break out of your shell if you grew up with games as a main part of your life.

Dough: "Be yourself". Unfortunately if their selves suck then it won't do them much good will it? They need to hit bottom low with themselves in order to be willing to change and become a better self.

"how did you meet your girlfriends/wives/mates, if any?"
I don't really have time for one but I keep women in my life, because I changed my lifestyle to include women in it.

"any opinions about online dating portals?"
Usually you got to know what you are doing, I met some great girls and some very strange ones. However I would just stick to real life, much more personal and you learn a lot more.

"what does yout mate think about your pc job/obsession/hobby?"
I don't really care, they can deal with it. If they give me crap about it, I am not really interested in having that person around me.

"how does the pc interfere with your social/private life?"
It use to, but I caught the problem and spent time to improve that.

"are you ashamed to tell women that you like computing?"
Ha hell no, I have told women I am a complete bum that lives on the street. Always fun making things up.

"are you concerned about your look, the impression you make on women?"
Luckily I was blessed with good looks, however that didn't help me much. You may have heard this before but looks don't really matter that much. Now there is a difference between good looks and well groomed. The guy on that picture is just not taking care of himself. Get a new wardrobe, shower, go to the gym and get in shape. There is no excuse for that.

"do you think pc is addicting and inhibits family life?"
Very much, and there needs to be a way to make sure their young are not confused with real life and computers. It will do them more harm then good later on in life.

I tried not to get into too much detail here broozar, but if you are interested in learning more. You can PM me.

I do not solve problems.... I prevent them.