I tried to help you (Manslayer then) with a skippy 3rd person cross hair implementation and then played dumb, ...well dumber, anyway. Oh, it's possible that I offered some suggestions and some pointless rambling comments, which I might have deleted later. Thus, I suggest, no I DEMAND, that term 'testDummy' be placed in the Smart Arse Obstructive Pricks List.

Hey man, I was there when an unnamed user slapped a 1998 or so graphics label on your screenies way back when. I actually sort of kind of felt a bit bad about such demoralizing comments, so please drop term 'testDummy' in the BS Supportive Sympathizers List also.

Seriously, (no positive list entries for this term please &) tis a noble thing or similar that you do here.
determination++ for sticking with it