OH simple small models? hmmmm well okay then!

How about a bomb with a fuse?
I need that for the angry homeless bomber person in my game.

Or how about a thick newspaper?
I need that for the newspaper sales person in my game.

Also, there is a UFO <flying saucer> in the game, so I need that, so people can pass out and stuff. Woo, hoo, spooky

Hmmnn, what else?
Oh, I need all tyes of street TRASH models and graffiti sprites. Things from a ghetto! What makes a city look like a ghetto? hmnnnn.

Or how about a pry BAR that my burgler can use to break into homes and stuff?

What else? I'll think of more.
small models, yeah.

I'll put your name in the credits if i can use your models. i have to see them. lol

Cougar Interactive
