Yes, I'm sorry. It was a typo. Here is an explination of my exact situation. I have a space vehicle and a ball. The vehicle touches the ball and disables the physics on the ball using phent_enable because I move the ball around with the vehicle using ent_move. While the vehicle (in this case the player) is flying around with the ball the player may fire the ball. When the player fires the ball I re-enable the ball by using phent_enable and something like the following code to "fire" the ball in the proper direction in relation to the player:

var force[3];

force = 100000;

me = pPlayer;
you = pBall;


temp.x = cos(my.pan) * force;
temp.y = sin(my.pan) * force;
temp.z = 0;


I have noticed that the lower the force variable is set, the less accurate the results. I'm looking for speed as firing can be instant and waiting allows the player to bump back into the ball never releasing it. I've tried your phent_setmaxspeed suggestion and it stops the entity but still doesn't solve the problem. I'd like to be able to manually set the velocities to zero as opposed to waiting until a limit is reached. This way when the player picks up the ball I could set the velocities to zero and change them accuratly during the firing function.

Newbie... yeah, right.