
First off, YES!!!! Finally recognition that I"m NOT nuts!!!
Secondly, just to make sure, this is expected behaiviour and not a bug?

Yes it is expected behavior. phent_enable() is basically just setting a flag putting the object into pause mode- thus it's extremely fast to execute.

I thought you were referring to phent_settype() earlier (which does perform a reset but is slow).


2)Even within phent_enable, I can use the velocity govenor (phent_setmaxspeed()) as a way to trick my PE into setting my velocity to 0. This is sneaky...hadn't thought of it..

It is sneaky and not as straight-forward as something like a setvelocity() call would be. I am very concerned that setting velocity directly might screw things up easily. But adding a clearvelocity() function could be a useful additions..or not?