
the enviromap.tga...
an easy way is to take a screenshot (F6) during gameplay(1st person view, no gun),its called "Shot_0" or something in your work folder...
Make the screenshot 256x256, make it tileable.
this way it seems like its reflecting your environment.

i think this won't result in a "correct" reflection. you have to use a 6-frames sky cube sprite!

you would have to do it this way:
- set up a view which is 256x256 and has a view.arc of 90
- make 6 screenshots from the same position -> west, north, east, south, down, up
- copy them into a 1536x256 tga and name it cube+6.tga

the +6 is important because only then it will get recognized as cube by the engine!

(maybe i'll write a script which does this automatically!)