Rhuarc while I'm happy for you we'll be very sorry to see you go as you've been a great asset to the community -glad to see you've decided to stay around a bit.

On my wish list of hot functionality my recent interest has been weather effects. Anything related (OrangeBrat posted some wind code that I found very good) I was thinking it would be worth having a community project to create or modify existing scripts to make them 'wind enabled' meaning that the fog, fire, smoke, rain, clouds, waves, trees etc movement could be coded so that you could activate/deactivate wind on these items so that all the items in the level would blow in the same general direction creating a more realistic game feel. It's a big one but figured if you have weather code/effects among your items I'd toss it out there.

Last edited by bupaje; 12/05/03 02:38.

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