Let me clear something up people, and I apologize for digging this thread up again, but seriously people the code givaway has been dead for years! I've posted a request almost a year ago when I first came to the forums.

In other words, the code givaway is DEAD. Nonexistant, fictional, lost, never going to happen, gone, anyway you put it it's not here and never will be.

Hope that cleared things up, but if for some odd reason this has become a secret project and the code requests are being completed with the upmost discrepency and that one day they will release lots and lots of code for everyone, on that day you have permission to shoot me. Till then keep dreaming and here's my request; an invincability code for real life (I don't want to die when I get shot). LOL

Check out my site http://foxzero.net
My band's website

R.I.P. Dave Williams