Originally Posted By: Joozey
I voted no

I gave you (Joozey) 5 stars for this good reply. \:\)

But I hope you see the problem here. This time I give him 5 and maybe tomorrow I disagree with him in another topic. Then I am doomed and have to live with it. I cannot rate him every day. And so this is a strange tool.

Let us watch at another scenario:
Maybe I don't like another person and I rate him one star. I could also have told him something insulting then. So rating can be a somewhat hidden way to insult other people. But this is forbidden if you read the forum rules.

I rated a few of my friends 5 stars today. But is this an objective image for the majority of people here? No, I made it out of pure fun but this shows you exactly how useless this tool is.

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