GS vs. Torque
Fanboys vs. Trolls

really funny...

Believe it or not. The goal is to make a good game. The used Engine and Editors are only tools to work with.
Frank (and others) is right... you need a lot of models, textures, sounds, music and.. very important to many genres... a good and fascinating story. If you are a ambitious developer like frank and me you have no time to find workarounds. You want to use finished and working Shaders, Postprocessing-Effects, Shadows, 2.UV-Sets in ONE model, Scenemanagement, Painting and Texturing of Terrains and so on... all things in a Realtime-I-Give-You-Visual-Feedback-In-No-Time-Editor.

Such Software is a real timesaver. Now it is possible to concentrate to other important aspects of the game.

The Programmer-Side of GS is good. The rest is spooky. I can not use a tool like GS with my dream-project in mind. It's impossible. That's my objective opinion.