hi - i have bought A7 commercial and i just want to try out shaders, but i do not get shaders on level geomertry working... (on models it works fine)
the textures are very darken but no shader effect, also if i try soem example-levels nothing happend...

is there any build-option - i forgotten???

i added following in my main-code:
bmap tile1_normal_bmap = <tile1.tga>;

material tile1 //<---This has to be the Textures Name
skin1 = tile1_normal_bmap;

flags = tangent;
effect = "spec_bump_world.fx";

and i added:
d3d_automaterial = on;

but the texture "tile1" is neary black (very dark)
i tried some differend fx -> but no change

so please help me
thx Kasimir