Now I have the problem that I'm too stupid to get the sampledll working (with VC). I've linked the adll.lib and copied all files (adll.h, afuncs.h, atypes.h, avars.h, adll.lib, SampleDll.cpp) into my folder. But when I compile it it says: "fatal error C1010: Unerwartetes Dateiende während der Suche nach dem vorkompilierten Header. Haben Sie möglicherweise vergessen, im Quellcode "#include "stdafx.h"" einzufügen?"
In English: "fatal error C1010: Do you forgot to include "#include "stdafx.h"" into the sourcecode?"

-> I wrote "#include "stdafx.h"" and another error appeared: "Datei (vorkompilierte Headerdatei) kann nicht geöffnet werden: "Debug\test.pch": No such file or directory"
In Enlish: "File (precompiled headerfile) can't get opened: "Debug\test.pch": No such file or directory"

What am I doing wrong? Has anyone a running example?


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