i did, ^^ i changed the bot lines all the time ...with correct writing and the case sensitive aspect...but it happened nothing^^

bmap World_normal_bmap = <floorstone_norm.tga>;

material floorstone //Same Name like the Texture
skin1 = World_normal_bmap;

effect = "spec_bump_world.fx";
flags = tangent;

function WorldMaterial_Init_startup()
d3d_automaterial = 1;

my specbumpshader, i created the normalmap with the NMC from TSGames, and renamed the xxx_normal.tga to xxx_norm.tga and if i try to use them with the original texture it happens nothing, it looks like theres is no normalmap, i deleted all my static light and just have ambient lighting and sun in my lvl and yes...the shader is included ^^

Lasst uns brechen und auf den Weg machen,
mir nach, ich folge euch...!!!

Project: Lost Lands