I kind of agree with Pappenheimer, even though I think games should be able to be as violent as the developer wants them to be. \:\)

 Originally Posted By: Pappenheimer
"but you need to ask yourself what non-freaks will make of this idea."

I think it is worth to take some time to think about what sort of general meanings a game represents and what sort of joy it offers.

Lol... :p Good point, for this reason I've changed my latest project a bit, at some point I went beyond over the top with it's violence and so on..., while my main audience was supposed to be aged 16-30 or so and 'non-freaks' :p .

Basically it became too violent for the younger audience and too much graphically childish-looking to really appeal to the older crowd I'm looking for. Now it's much better balanced for a broader audience, it doesn't mean I had to really change the design or overall idea either. I only toned down the violence a bit,


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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