Originally Posted By: TheExpert
Yeah, it's cheap , but lonewolves no :
caus i'll never sell a game ,not my goal , so 1500$ to have top notch tools to play and have lot of good time ... hummm .. perhaps no \:\)

But for serious teams like the ones that maked a game with Unity , yeah indeed,
if you're sure to sell something , it's THE ENGINE \:\)

This is a somewhat silly comment that keeps popping up here... according to you on one hand 3DGS is expensive for what it offers, even though it's actually even cheaper, on the other hand engines like Unity3D 2.0 are too expensive too in your opinion. No one will inevitably sell anything... So... it's never alright. Don't get me wrong, I think Unity3D 2.0 is impressive and all, but it's a bit weird to complain about prices like this...


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