Hi everybody, you may recognize me by my old login name "richdig". I have been working with Mythic on Tablut Online and have created the art and graphics for the game including the gameboards. I just wanted to offer some historical info that some may find interesting about the artwork that you will see in Tablut. One of my goals was to give the game an authentic look and feel that worked with the game's history. There was actually quite a bit of research done on the gameboards and game pieces. All of the materials that I created were based on items that would have been used to build real gaming sets in ancient times. The simplest ancient gameboards were simply scratched onto a piece of wood or stone but more ornate boards and pawns like those in the game were made from ivory, amber, precious metals, and bone, just to name a few. All of the designs and carvings I used were inspired by historical sources and then created by hand. If anybody is interested in finding out more about ancient Tablut boards, just let me know.

@Marco: It looks like a still scene, but Mythic actually created an animated background for the settings screen