Originally Posted By: Nems
Yeah, this looks great but I really like Kabuss 22 [check out the movie on the downloads page]more.

Yeah, it was really awesome, i bought the game and it was just awesome(though it has more +'s cuz it's like first fully-Turkish game).

It's also released in Poland(with title Fear Zone: Strefa 22),Russia and Czech Republic(dont know their name in these countries). The speech voice and game is also translated to these countries' language.

It will be also released in GERMANY,Austria,Holland and Ukraine after translation process is completed(maybe sometime more.)

 Originally Posted By: PHeMoX

It's not that strange. If you define a visible view in a lower layer or define a view that you use for post-processing you get this kind of thing. I have to switch off certain views, otherwise I only get black screenshots... \:\) Not sure, but I guess it's an engine thing or something having to do with the order in which views get rendered on screen... \:\)

ah i see.

Last edited by Quadraxas; 04/21/08 23:41.