gta 4.... its a comment as silly as saying: WOW is only for PC...
maybe you dont know, but there are people who DONT like GTA style games. besides, the wii has more than 6 GTA style games, some of them good, some of them bad.

i for one, dont care about GTA games. i love me my zelda style games, and thus, the wii is it for me. zelda, backwards compatibility to gamecube, the vritual console with classics liek neutopia, okami, starfox adventures, the metroid prime series (rumor has it 1+2 will be wii-ified) classic castlevania games, the good old days of SNES RPG (still missing out on them, but wait a year, youŽll be surprised)... stuff im wouldnt want to miss. PS360 (as i call the other two) have nice graphics, some online and stuff, but thats stuff i can get from my PC IF i want to (i dont, dont ask)... so i think those two consoles are, FOR ME, rather pointless...