you have to register an event with GSTNet_Events(GSTNet_EventFunction,funcname) and send the message in this event function from server to the defined client.

that's wrong in the manual. see demo
// function for event: GSTNet_EventFunction
// input: vTyp : event-id
//        sMsg: data
//        vSender: sender client id
//        vReceiver: receiver id       
function evFunction(vTyp, sMsg, vSender, vReceiver)
  diag("\nType:"); str_for_num(sGSTNetTemp, vTyp); diag(sGSTNetTemp);
  diag("\nSender:"); str_for_num(sGSTNetTemp, vSender); diag(sGSTNetTemp);
  diag("\nReceiver:"); str_for_num(sGSTNetTemp, vReceiver); diag(sGSTNetTemp);
  GSTNet_ServerSend(vReceiver, vTyp, sMsg);
  if(GSTNet_Connection() == 2 || GSTNet_Connection() == 3 ) {
    Parse_Function(sMsg);             // parse and execute ...

i have to overwork some function because automatic sending infos from clients to other clients by the server without checking by the server is really insecure, because GSTNet.dll can be used to connect to any GSTNet-server

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