"We are nót equal on making decisions.
Only people who have studied for it (statistics, human psychology, physics, chemics, etc in this case) are qualified to draw the right conclusions build upon solid facts."

Yes my friend , you should really get a good unbiased history book and read it to see the desicions this so called "qualified decision takers" have taken throughout our time before commenting nonsence. You say withought this people there would be havok ? No man , there would be just people living on earth , which is what we are meant to do. Again , open up ur mind , just a little , and you will see what I mean.

"No my friend we are not all equal , this is pure demagogy
A scientist is not the same as a poet
Let the former not to talk about Oratius's metrics and the latter about nuclear power plants"

And thats a big flaw of this system , who says you need to be a scientist to know about a nuclear plant ? I fully understand how a nuclear reactor works and how nuclear bombs work and how they are manufactured , I am not a scientist , but I understand what this things are , and clearly see their dangers , I dont think you need to be a scientist to figure out if nuclear bombs are safe for us. The problem is most people (like yourself) assume the people in charge will always make the proper decisions for us , when in fact , they mostly do the complete opposite.

If you believe you have no say in what happens in the world , thats fine , thats your stance , I believe we all should have a say , this world is just as much mine as it is the president's or the royal families of the world. I refuse to believe I should submit , you on the other hand seem to accept the place they have given you in life.

"The probability of the LHC creating a black hole that will eat up the entire world is as high as creating a speaking green pig saying "ROFL"."

Well , thats the EXACT same possibility of finding the higgs , yet they believe it's enough possibility to create a 6 billion dollar machine to look for it , how does this not sink into your head ?
Possibility of finding higs and of creating a black hole are THE SAME , EXACTLY THE SAME, you must first understand that , then realize how much money and effort they are putting into the project to understand the real chance of this happening in theory.
However , I do believe the higs is bullshit , so , I guess there isnt too much to worry about.

I now understand this is just another experiment to fuel more money into the physisists , who unlike regular people who work for their bread and butter need the government to feed them with taxpayers money.

"Their educated guess is a lot more valuable than some manic preacher saying we are all going to die if we don't do whatever he says"

I dont wanna get too into this , but if you actually research , and I do mean ACTUALLY RESEARCH all the theories , you will come to the conclusion that the religions are much closer to the truth than the scientists. I will post a topic on this tomorrow or the day after when I have time , but I can assure you , darwinism and evolution are become more and more obsolete as the days go by, oh , and by the findings of scientists themselves to add to the irony.

Last edited by Why_Do_I_Die; 05/04/08 10:11.