Originally Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die
Well , thats the EXACT same possibility of finding the higgs , yet they believe it's enough possibility to create a 6 billion dollar machine to look for it , how does this not sink into your head ?
Possibility of finding higs and of creating a black hole are THE SAME , EXACTLY THE SAME, you must first understand that , then realize how much money and effort they are putting into the project to understand the real chance of this happening in theory.
However , I do believe the higs is bullshit , so , I guess there isnt too much to worry about.

Well, but now we are talking about spending 6 billion dollars, not anymore about creating earth-swallowing black-holes, and THAT is the point actually.

And infact, the probability of finding the Higgs is tremendously higher. But even if we would assume its the same, and lets assume we DONT find the higgs. Then we would find something else.

And to be upright honestly about it. Six billion dollars for finding the answer to life... I think that is still pretty cheap. The answer TO LIFE. The question that bugged humankind since we were crawling in caves. I think it's far more worth than 6 billion dollars.

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