There are numerous other energy sources which can be exploited , we dont need nuclear energy , nuclear waste is one of the hardest things to dispose of , there are far better solutions , if we spent more time working on alternate energy solutions rather than on making nuclear power plants.

I agree. And I would further state that you and I can accomplish a lot more following this line of action than anything that will result from the LHC, creation, or evolution. In other words, if this is truly your beleif, this is something that you can definitely "put up or shut up" about because you can make a difference here... but not in any of the other topics you have brought up.

Then how can you belive that when you see earth , which is millions of times much more complicated a structure than a city like new york , you see it's life

Ahh.. The 'ol "clock on the beach" trick. I knew it; nothing new, nothing new...