Originally Posted By: Michael_Schwarz
Is anyone else noticing that Why_do is using the same (few) arguments again and again, without any support, backup or proof?

Its like:

Argument 1 - Counter Proof of agument 1 - argument 2 - counter proof of argument 2 - writing "LOL" and randomly saying sensless things - off topic posts about evolution and god - Argument 3 - counter proof of argument 3 - Argument 1...

This is mainly because it's facts, theories, educated opinions and so on versus opinions based on fear, feelings, emotions and intangible things like 'God' being responsible for things happening around us.

( I'm obviously talking science vs. religion here, so don't get me wrong, I don't pretend to know everything or pretend to be 100% correctly informed on all the various subjects.)

I don't think these kind of discussions really ever end with satisfaction because we are talking way past eachother. We (as in the scientists or people that place science above 'God') do not accept God as a possible theory (or at least this is what religious people tend to think) and they (religious people) think of everything that has but even a little thing to do with science as evil, not trustworthy, incorrect by definition and so on.

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