So... what would it be in your opinion?

There is though a superior to us, anuki, well 2012 will say that the earth will end , and we gonna go for other planet, if out creators ( maybe the one they call god)

Do you know why they say the world will 'end' on December 21 2012?

It's because the conspirators / doomsdayers think that the Mayans believed the world would end. Thís believe is clearly wrong ( I'm talking about the people that think to know that the Mayans believed the earth would be destroyed or something. )

Mayans were extremely talented astronomers and they simply calculated and derived from their observations that there would be a certain event completed... That event is the wobbling of the earth's axis that happens with cycles of every 26.000 years if I recall correctly.

( However, if I recall correctly current data suggests that the axis is actually decreasing, not increasing, so it won't complete the axis wobble on December 21 2012. Can't quite trust Wikipedia on this though. )

Also, this ending of a 'wobble' cycle doesn't really mean anything. Sure, it may have and probably will have it's impact on our climate, but that's happening quite gradually and is nothing too unusual if you look at earth with a much longer time-scale in mind and it's history.

Picture this; the current angle of the Earth's axis is somewhere around 23.44 degrees, where as this limit they are talking about is 24.5 degrees. However it seems to be decreasing, so it's not hitting any 'boundaries' any time soon.

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