Anyway first i need to tests the script, and do code and code, then i can carry out multiplayer tests a bit better.

I hope you take my advice and try to walk before you run. I cannot emphasize enough that based on my personal experience and others, if you jump straight into coding without a firm understanding of the MMOG space, you will be wasting tons of time and incurring needless frustration. If you want to jump into the code, go ahead and jump. But don't complain when realize you didn't check if there was water in the pool.

As an example of what I mean:
well, not 1000 per solar system, For example, EVE-ONLINE, has millins of sollar systems. And just one server.
it has a maximum of 34000 aprox. clients.

One server CLUSTER... cluster. Not one physical server.


EVE is supported by a back-end system that dynamically reallocates areas of the universe from one physical machine to another as load demands.

There is no telling how many servers are back there but with 100,000 players, I suspect it's on the order of or close to 100 physical machines. Unless you are ready to handle networking among 100 physical machines, I urge you to step back and do more homework before you start coding for after all, you may find that you don't NEED to do any coding depending on your requirements and the ability of Multiverse, Second Life, or other Virtual World Platforms!

"Dream Big; start small"; that's my motto.