
Scientists don't say that. Individual scentists may, according to their own personal beliefs, but I am here to "represent" and tell you emphatically that this is your own imagination at work for we do not, as a group, take either stance on god before th BB until such time as we can test it.

"Correct. No one can."
The scientists why is the big bang and evolutino taught as fact ?

Because neither pretend to answer the question you posited.

"Wrong. If you listen carefully, you'll notice they don't say anything about this at all."
Again , you prove science to be deceiving people by omiting facts.

Saying "I don't know" is ommitting facts? Interesting way of feeding a conspiracy. Scientist don't know what happened before the big bang and they don't know where and how life began. This we make no secret of (as I'm proving now! LOL). But give us time. As I stated before, religion has had 3000 years to make it's case; science 300. Hence let's compare notes in another 2700 years... just to be fair after all. ;\)

That's exactly what I'm saying. Since there is an (to date) impenetrable veil at 10^-47s, we cannot say if before that time"

So this are your answers my friend ? Just avoiding the questions ? Thats your science and fact and reasoning ?

Really? You've degenerated into this? Taking my explanation as to the current limits of science, openly admitted BTW, as avoiding a question. WOW How sad...

And if scientists have become to embarrassed to say it was a bean , or nothingness , and now say they only know what happened "10^-47s" , then they should admit they have NO IDEA HOW THIS HAPPENED.

We've admitted to this since day one of the BB theory. You just weren't in class when we did. So we'll say it again: we don't know what happened before the veil. There? So much for the science conspiracy since I've just made public, well, what's been public all along but now MORE public!

Now what? Is science irrevocably destroyed? \:\(


Evolution = OBSOLETE

Proving once again that your math skills are lacking, these equations are wrong.