Hello I am currious wether purchasing The Official Guide to 3D GameStudio(found on there home site) is really worth getting. In there breef description of the book It really doesnt say more than it helps you make a FPS which im learning now using the FREE WED tutorial from there download page. So here are the questions:(As I would hope you could guess these questions are directed to those that had already purchased the book.)

What make the FPS they clam to show you how to create better than one that I am learning with the WED tutorial?

The book is 480pgs. Is all that just on making a FPS or are there information on other typs of games that I can make like RPGs for example?

If they are teaching me how to make a FPS being that its a book im guessing there wont be any premade models, script, or textures besides the ones that come with 3DGS and that ill be shown how to make everything from scratch?(Would actually like that. just an opinion)

Also I have A7 and this is for A6 would there be any major conflict besides the fact that I think A6 still used c-cript and not lit-c?

Those are my questions for now unless I think of other ones.
In short Im just tryin to know more about whats in the book.

Look forward to replys