Just about anything goes when it comes to the possibility of theories, so it's questionable whether or not it's really all that valuable as such, but yes it's definitely still a possibility

The question of value is undoubtedly up to the individual. I for instance place no value in either possibility: divine or alien it affects my world-view none. Others however get offended at the mere suggestion of one or the other. In this case however, the question is not value or even if it is right or wrong.

Rather, I am curious how someone can admit that if Moses's teaching are not being divine but alien this would NOT affect their belief system. After all, it would seem to make a HUGE different for me whether god tells me to not covet my neighbors wife or if it was a bunch of puritanical aliens.In effect, trying to understand the seeming contradiction of this line of thought:

now when you read the events of moses and the like , we can see that he could have been experiencing another technologically advanced civilization [...] Today's advancement allows us to interpret the scripture differently , but it still doesnt discard it or it's authenticity ,

In some cases you could say a lack of understanding of how physics and chemistry work does make it easy to believe in "magic", even though it's basically an illusion or neat trick.

Isn't that exactly what modern day stage magicians do? wink