The believe in Alien life today is much more mature then it was 50 years ago and most people deny even the possibility, but you have to look at the evidence before trying to debunk. Because most of the debunker's follow the rule of "if you cannot attack the evidence, attack the people" which is silly, they are mostly close minded and not interested in the truth about alien life. If you say there is no evidence you are actually dismiss most of the thousands of reports of trace cases, radar visuals , pilot sightings , witness testimony .

Just a small Story about how debunker's work:

John K. and his friends saw a flying disk in the sky and they report it. A skeptic named Charles C. comes forward and says that the witnesses are not credible. One year later the skeptic Charles C. was attacked by a unknown person but to his luck John K. was on the other side of the street and could identify the unknown man in his witness testimony. The unknown man was put in jail and Charles C. was very happy about the absolute credible testimony of John K.

The problem with humans today is the close minded run for physical evidence, but you have to remember that even in our oceans are creatures we didn't even know of. There are so many very educated people coming forward and look into this kind of subject for example. John Mack (Harvard psychiatrist) who was looking in the abduction phenomenon. As a normal person just look at animals and how we treat them, we must be alien to them with all of our technology which makes no sense to them. Thats for the most part the problem half of the earth population doesn't want to believe but that isn't scientific either because the evidence is overwhelming .

The question is why is it so extraordinary that there is more life in the universe than we think of. It is a wonderful message that there a beings not come to destroy us, but caring about us and our attempt to destroy the planet.

The most important case is still the Roswell incident , the newspaper that the RAAF captures a flying disk is a fact, that was first released by the army airforce before they began to get away from the flying disk to the balloon. The people who identify the saucer were also responsible for the nuclear weapons, they were no stupid retards making up stories to maybe even get fired for such reports.

I am currently setting up a website about the whole issue , with no commercial stuff just free information ( articles, documents aso. ). I don't need the Vatican to make me one of the believer's I just look at the evidence and that what scientist do. I want all the skeptics to be skeptical but that is not the same as close minded to such an important subject. And if you doens't know alot about the evidence do not look into this kind of subject or even try to debunk it.

Look at for the names John Callaghan , John Mack , Stanton Friedman, disclosure project aso. Maybe you don't believe all of what they are saying but then prove them wrong. They set their careers on the line to get to the truth would anyone of those skeptics do that or even think of it , I guess not.