I really look for scientific evidence but the problem is we as humans are still very limited, without modern technology we wouldn't even prove Einsteins Theory of relativity right. Now we can, but physicist today are looking into a more advanced theory (M-Theory) just technology will prove if this theory works. So these crafts maybe even interdimensional travelers if the M-Theory assume 11 dimensions. Of course the ET explanation is just a possibility, there maybe other explanations but if a witness reports a flying disk and those skeptics say it was swamp gas that has nothing to do with science either. I am not a part of some religious group I just want to get to the bottom of it because that is what scientist do.

I was ones a skeptic but I looked into the evidence and if we have no other explanation maybe we should have a look into the impossible.

SETI is searching just of the frequency of hydrogen and the search is limited to 100 Ly distance because if you are watching (listening) for ET you have to limit your search, but that means you can even set the wrong limits and don't find anything, so we could be in a interstellar conversation and we wouldn't even know.

I know of these two companies (Lockheed Skunkworks and DARPA projects) of course they are developing new weapon systems out there but why does the government denies, that this test side even exists ?

About Phoenix yes they drooped flares that night , but before that happened thousands of people including governor Fife Symington saw a physical craft no sound 1 mile across, why should they all lie? Of course they dropped the flares but what happened before thats what interesting.

The Rendlesham Forest case is one of the best documented we have audio records, a craft that landed in the forest with symbols on it that were drawn in the notebook (one the day it happened) of Jim Penniston one of the Airforce personal. The British MOD also said it was proven that the radiation level was higher than normal, which is reported in a lot of cases around the globe. Why should all these Airforce officers make up a hoax ?

Did you know that the Airforce regulations for handling UFO's was last updated in 2004 and not like they said they haven't touch the topic since Bluebook.

What is a military radar sighting of such objects for you ? Is it scientific or not ? Or is science also sorting out what they except and what don't ? I mean a lot of scientist use pseudonyms to work in that field not the get ridiculed and dropped out of the scientific community. So in the end you have to ask yourself who you choose to believe but just waiting for the breakthrough scientific clue is a wastes of time.

The question is if someone says he or she has captured a flying disk or alien body would you believe it?
And one more question are you a religious person ?