My friends, in memorial for this day, i must not only, pay tribute to our dear departed c-script, just when a few of us, myself included, just began courting her. i would like to remind the faithfuls, newbies, and legends of c-script, who know that how many new versions A7, A8, A1,000,000,000, will come to pass, but for all certainty, A6 will never die! The combined contributions of forum members, and various plug-ins, shaders, models, templates, etc. A6 lives forever! As a tribute to us faithful A6 users, JCL and the crew should release the adventure templates and other templates that were planned for A6 before A7 was born! Even the great tools like intense x kicked our beloved to the curb. A6 gave us amateur game developers, either hobbyist or serious users, a chance to live out our dreams, and now A7 told us we werent good enough....i say nay! A6 lives on....forever.....IMPERIUS SIX!!!!!!!

My Famous Quotes: "Hip hop is like a virus, infecting everyone and everything around it. Every form of media has some way,shape or form, assimilated hip hop into it." It has also mutated into other strains like, trip hop, house, rap, gangster, and conscious forms. Once you are infected with it, its with you for life."