Originally Posted By: jcl
Included files from the Gamestudio include folder and code folder don't count, so you can use acknex.h, default.c or the shaders from the code folder if you want.

I wrote the following:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

#include "mtlView.c"
#include "mtlFx.c"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

int main ()

and compiled it with a result of 107.491 bytes.

Then, I compiled my project with exact the same includes and received 113.359 bytes.

So, am I right that my app is only 113.359 - 107.491 = 5868 bytes great with being < 10 240 bytes = 10 kB ?

why is this confusing? only your own code counts. i think the 10240 bytes limit is important because 100 semicolons aren't really limiting.

I just want to know how to calculate the size of my compiled code without taking the permitted stuff into account.

Last edited by HeelX; 05/22/08 08:41.