As always, thanks a lot for the contribution Slin!

Originally Posted By: Kasey_Dee
For those of us who are terrible at doing shaders it would be nice also to have someone do shader packs of various types like different water and other effects and sell them in packs. I am surprised there is no one selling shader packs. Maybe have the community put in requests and someone make them and sell them.

I have thought about doing that way back when I contributed a post-processing shader pack, but not that many people would really pay anything for the shaders when it comes down to it. In fact, I'm glad a lot of people now decide to simply contribute them for free and some forum-fame instead!! It's important that people learn from each-other this way and if you do some research on the internet there isn't thát much that you can't find for free shader-wise.

Of course, getting it all to work in 3dgs is a little bit different...

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