this planet, disrupted the earth thrice, which cause the first and second ice age and the flood of noah.

Actually that's a myth as there's no evidence for 'noah's flood' here on earth. The first ice age was caused because of a changing atmospheric composition (particularly the fraction of CO2 and methane). The planet Niberu or whatever it's called wasn't in the vicinity of earth some 800 to 600 million years ago, so it can't have caused the ice age either. I don't know about the second ice age you are referring to, but it's probably the same story for that one...

in the case of the "Gods" that were on the earth during the time of the Sumerians.

There were no Gods on earth during the time of the Sumerians, instead they believed there were Gods on earth far before them in times of what the Sumer thought to have been the time of (their and earth's) creation.

There are no accounts where Sumer people talk about literally direct contact with their "Gods".

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