"Why_do: Your first paragraph is a bit ridicolous, because we can infact see a lot of stars from earth, and those whose we don't see - because they are covered by nebula or whatsoever - we can see weith mirowave telescopes, or radiotelescopes, or x-ray telescopes. So theres plenty of things we can see. We even know where the center of our galaxy(not universe) is. So far, you are right about the planets, we can only assume where they might be by watching for a long long period of time."

I think you missed the point , i meant we cant see the life on other stars , because we cant see the planets that orbit the stars. I am aware we can see the stars , you just have to look up at night , and with hubble we have even seen the amount of galaxies out there.
I do agree with you on your last point , if there is life here , then there must be life there , it's simple logic, there are too many stars and too many galaxies , there is chance of life in a planet in every star, and we have BILLIONS and BILLIONS of stars.

"So, if I were to look for "other" life on "other" planets, I would start this way:

1) What is the planets temperature range and are there any Triple Point molecules that we know of in that range?
2) If yes to 1, is that molecule found in abundence in the planet?
3) If yes to 2, what are the dynamics of this molecule precence in the planet (ie: what is it's "weather" system)?
4) If yes to 3, what are the molecular properties that would be relevant in this weather system?"

Things dont have to be the same as earth for life , thats a rediculous assumption. We have life in our radioactive waste , in volcanoes , and the earths poles , so life here seems to adapt pretty well to almost any environment. Life could be similar yet different depending on the properties of the planet. Look at mars , Mars is very doesnt have earth's tilt , and is different in many ways , but still fairly similar , and it appears to have once had a ton of water , the new probe just landed on sunday (or was suppossed to , didnt check if it made it right) , whihc is going to test the mars areas where they believe there is frozen water , they are going to test if the ice is water , and if i recall correctly for traces of life. I would assume there was once life on mars , and if you look at the Mars pyramids , it might have even been intelligent life. Now before you all start ridiculing , you should check this out , http://www.history.com/minisites/life_after_people
It is estimated , that if humans died off , in just a couple of million years there would be ZERO trace of us , anyone who would come to earth would not realize there was once a thriving civilization here, so , I there's a good possibility Mar's might have once flourished with life , and I think scientists at Nasa are having the same hunch , hence all the interest in the red planet. But we'll see what the tests reveal , it's a pretty exiting experiment they are doing.

Did anyone see the previous movie link I posted ? What did you all think ? I think it's 100% conclusive evidence that UFO's in fact do exists , and the government is fully aware of them , but just dont really know what to make of them , so they just choose to ignore them.