Science is more about proving that something can not work in the physical world and not about finding the final prove which all of those skeptics are asking for. And the physics of so called “UFO's” are not violating science in any way and so it seems truly just about believe and non-believe.

We are so far away of knowing everything to say”Oh no we don't look into such subjects just because we believe it is not true”.Some scientist work on such subjects but if they would come out and say we look into the subject of so called “UFO's” all they would earn is ridicule and laughter. Not because the are wrong just because people believe what they see in everyday life is all what there is. But the fact remains the military which mostly uses actual technology and spends a lot of money to get scientist to develop new weapon and propulsion systems, believe they are real. Ones the subject of UFOs was officially more highly classified than the H-Bomb. You even find very compelling information on UFO's on the CIA website but you proved before that you are to lazy to search for information fastlane69 .

Those things don't have to come from space but just an other dimension , most of the people here on earth live in 4 dimensions and by now we know that every dimension is open to deformation. The M-Theory even assumes up to 11 dimensions (some physicist even 21) so what is in the rest of them. So maybe like many physicists assume now, we are not tuned to see worlds that are beyond what we can see today. The universe is mostly made out of dark matter something we can't see ,by now it cannot describe in anyway. I think science today is more mature and open to possibilities most of us still deny and they are heading in new directions to go and solve a lot of paradoxes and flaws from the past theories. So it is possible that everywhere around us are other worlds which sometimes interfere with our world and these beings could come from these places.

The question is also how would we discover the universe or galaxy, we have no chance to travel to all the stars and there planets, we could send out tiny robots to the stars and there moons. That what a galactic civilization would do, and maybe in a 100 years from now when we have a moon base we will find one of these nano- robots.

It sounds like most of the debunker's condemn anyone who commits the crime to be or think different and more so even tries to collect evidence on a subject that 50 % of the people think is not real. The word believe is actually not the right word, I would say a lot of the testimony is credible these people are not a part of a believe system , most didn't even believe in the existence of UFO's in the first place ,thats just what people saw and reported. I also saw some stuff in the sky and also searched for down to earth explanations airplanes, planets, ISS reflections, light balls (f.e.flares), balloons aso, so sometimes I have done a lot of research just to find out that these where Chinese balloons but there was some stuff that doesn't fit into any of the explanations.

A question to all those die hard “debunker's”:

Lets just image you see in bright daylight clearly a flying disk hovering completely silent in the sky for a few minutes and then take off into what we call “space”, you would say to yourself no a haven't seen this because 50 % of the people think this is not real? It doesn't have to be alien but it could also be one of ours but if we have such technology why are we still use rockets to get into space ? But maybe you doesn't see such thing either because you don't want to or just look to ground all the time.

So in the end if someday this phenomenon is revealed to be other beings maybe not from space but from an other dimension who will be more prepared to accept this reality? the believers or the non-believers.