"Took you a few days for you to lose you composure again. I'm proud of you, again, for making it this far!"

Thank you thank you , it ain't easy , i'm a hot blooded person.

"???? On top of your computer, on top of the fridge, on top of what? I don't see a description. "

In the previous sentences

"Exactly. And neither were you. So we are faced with the situation of first believing that these people saw a UFO -- we both agree to this, as you say these are reputable people, so we both choose the same first belief. We may be wrong... they may have been on drugs or hit their head or any other number of reasons, but for the sake of arguement, this is an easy one to just since "fine, I accept you saw these lights"."


"But then we are faced with a further choice of believing them AGAIN in that the UFO is of extraterrestrial origin, that they in fact know somehow that it was not military or inter-dimensional or spiritual or anything else."

Well if it's not from earth , it's extra-TERRESTRIAL. So , even if they were inter-dimensional or sipiritual , they are still extra-terrestrial. See , the big thing is , we don't really know what aliens and UFO's are , nobody knows what they are , people just witness the event , and usually it gets ignored and it's said it's a weather balloon or something. Here , we have proof that this in fact was not a weather balloon , or radar anomaly , we have proof that this "UFOs" are in fact a reality. Of course , since this people didn't actually see what was inside/behind this lights (space craft or the like), we cannot say they were alien beings piloting alien space craft , but we cannot say they were not UFOs and that they do not exist.

Now we are left with the question , what the hell were those lights , now because of the radar, we can see the size , and these were the size of air craft , and the hovered around , and when the human piloted plane was sent to see what those lights were , they elevated themselves until they were out of the planet , and disappeared . So from their size , and behavior , the most logical interpretation would be that this were some type of unknown air craft. The fact that they were just hovering around a military zone for hours also points to this lights as being something more than just a strange lighting artifact of phenomena . So in a scientific way , you would have to conclude that the most logical explanation for this craft , considering their size , behavior , and the fact they they were flying , would be that they were some sort of extra-terrestrial(not from earth) or extra-dimensional(not from our dimension) air craft/ship.

"I don't need to flash my credentials to make a point;"

Well thats a new one , you seem to only regard arguments made by scientists and science published articles , that lets me know credentials are incredibly important to you , before you consider what the people are saying. So , you require credentials to take someone seriously , but dont need any to discredit government officials and their testimonies. Fantastic , I like the way you work.

"I only need present facts and cohesive conclusions to make a point."

Your points are ALWAYS incoherent and biased.

"That is the ONLY reason people on this forum listen to me"

Nobody here listens to you , but I see you have delusions of being of higher intelligence and intellect , a very common sign of scientist syndrome.

"that's really the only people I listen to."

LOL , you only listen to scientists with credentials , you don't believe that one yourself.

"And what they think of me or my ideas is of no concern tome... because they are listening... and continue to listen... as you have time and time again"

An even bigger delusional problem than I anticipated. Btw , and how do I listen to you ? I have contradicted every statement you've made , and wiped my [censored] with your arguments for evolution , and proved beyond a doubt that evolution is a matter of faith rather than science , and proved that UFO's do exist (by your own admittance). So , how is that listening ? I find your arguments laughable , incoherent , and those that a def and blind sheep might follow. Yet you believe them by heart , which shows your low level of mentality and spirituality.

"remember, absolutism is your policy, not mine."

Exactly , your policy is ignoring anything you don't understand , but that is a policy that rids you of any responsibility or any coherence , since you don't have to try to explain what you or scientists don't understand , you just say you don't know what it was , and move on . But on evolution and the big bang , well that we have no proof of , but still blindly belief , LOL . This is truly a marvelous example of how brainwashing children is as powerful a tool as they can wield , and how the undoing of this is EXTREMELY difficult.

Let me tell you something fastlane , I was , before doing research into everything , a follower of science , Evolution and the Big Bang made perfect sense (the theories are well thought out after all) . I thought Einstein was a genius , and he is , but his theory is ultimately flawed. After much research , in science , big bang , evolution , religion , creationism , archeology , all of our history as humans , then , you come to the conclusion that there is much more unknown than known , and EVERYONE , from religious to scientists to creationists piece theories together from the fact fragments we have. So , you realize how nobody really knowns 100% for sure ANYTHING. You should consider pulling your nose away from the science books and look at all the other wealth of ideas theories and evidence out there , you might reconsider what you believe you know.