It is ABSURD to believe our technology could be the most advanced in the universe ,we have only had it for like 100 years. LOL . You all seem to forget that we are the new generation that has computers and dvd players , just as your father and mother if they had dvd players and computers and video games when they were kids. We barely have had cars for arounnd 100 years give or take , same with electricity. All of our technology IS NEW , it's baby technology , to think that people cannot imagine another more advanced race being able to travel through space and get here is purely insane. I imagine a couple hundred years ago when we were still riding horses , people still could not imagine a civilization advanced enough to move arounnd in giant machines (cars) to reach great distances in a relatively short amount of time , much less could they imagine humans flying in airplanes to get from one city to another , and much less us going to the moon in a rocket ship. If you would have told them that there was a race in another planet who had this technology , they would have laughed at you , and thought u were purely insane, yet , a couple of hundred years later , we ourselves have this technology , in just a couple of hundred years we have gone from riding horses to driving vehicles with comodities comparable to a house , have planes , space ships , satelites arounndu the planet , send vehicles to other planets to explore them , have cellular phones , we can now talk to anyone from anywhere anytime , tvs , computers , you name it .

Of course , we were born to this technology , so we see it normal , but a couple of hundred years ago , a person would not have been able to fit the picture of the life we live now in their head , there was no way they would accept this could be , but here we are , and it is . And of course , because we cannot travel at the speed of light , or haven't discovered faster speeds , we have people like fastlane (relative of the people who refused to believe the earth was round) , who cannot imagine any other lifeforce having enough technology to travel here , I see he is the type of person that has to be born with this already existing for him to believe in them, he just cannot grasp the possibility of things existing which he hasnt seen since he was a child.

But never the less , the possibility of Alien beings coming here is very very very very likely. If we were to develop the technology to travel faster than light , the first thing we would do is go visit our closes star to see if there is anything there. And if there would be , we would undoubtedly fly around seeing what it is , and if they were intelligent and advanced, we would be cautions , but if they were primitive , then we would tech them , doesnt that sounndu very similar the our own history as intelligent humans ?

"But that is the catch-22: is the universe truly uniform or is it uniform because that is how WE interpret it?"

This is your scientific and proper coherent reasoning you use that you speak of ? LMFAO
Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
So then the stars , they arent stars , they are only stars because we interpret them as stars ?
So if I count 10 pennies in a row , they arent really in a row , i'm only interpreting them that way ?
It is uniform because we can see it and anylize it , and can conclude it's patterns.

Well , it looks like I had lucked out and a MOD hadnt seen my post , so I'll delete my statements before I get banned , LMAO.

Last edited by Why_Do_I_Die; 06/01/08 06:31.