If you believe in a Designer / Creator / God then you could ask yourself why He made us such a weak creature. Compared to animals we are slow runners with only few endurance, we dont have good weapons like claws, tusks, teeth or horns. We are not very strong nor big. We cannot fly and we swim very slow.

We are just a medium being with some more brain cells. We are arrogant and ignorant although we are just a naked ape, nothing more, a mammal without decent fur. Our brain helped to destroy the nature, to enslave animals or other humans and to spread like a Virus around this world. We double our numbers every 40 years. Soon we dont have enough water to drink nor enough food to eat.

This is a simple result of domination, random evolution and of our very overestimated so called "intelligence" that is still lead by natural urges.

If that would be a plan from a Designer then He/he/She/she must have a really bad sense of humor.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft