Originally Posted By: Impaler
The Urey-Miller experiment: This experiment was very strong evidence against evolution 50 years ago, but is still being quoted in text books today as the origin of life.
The aim of the experiment was to be able to create extremely simple amino acids from a mixture of gases and an electrical spark, supposedly similar to the atmosphere of a "Primitive earth". The only problem is that to create these simple acids, hydrogen must be present in the mixture. Is there any hydrogen in earth's lower atmosphere, where there happens to be lightning? I don't think so. Being the lightest existing element, it will be sitting on top of all those other gases, on the edge of space.

Hydrogen is contained not only in water vapor but also in almost all gases of the early atmosphere, like ammonia and methane from volcanoes. All those gases were available in the lower atmosphere of course.

Urey-Miller just used the gas mix of which the lower earth atmosphere was assumed to consist of, 4.5 billion years ago.

Originally Posted By: Impaler
Lets just pretend that there is hydrogen in earth's lower atmosphere and an amino acid happens to form.

No need to pretend it, that was just what the Urey-Miller experiment successfully proved.

Originally Posted By: Impaler
What then? There are 22 amino acids used to make proteins in a living cell, and this experiment managed to produce two or three. A protein, by the way, is nothing compared to a cell. It is a building block of cell components, and many, many cell components must make up a single cell. DNA is totally out of the question: You need this monster to even make proteins, and it is composed of tens to hundreds of millions of nucleotides, all in the glitch free "programming" to construct the basic components of a cell. No matter how hard for how long you try, you will never arrive at DNA by chance with a couple of amino acids.

This is a misunderstanding of "arrive at DNA". The life did not start with DNA at all, it started with self organization of very few amino acids like those produced by Urey-Miller experiment.

Originally Posted By: Impaler
The flagellum on a bacterium is composed of 50 parts that work together like an electric motor: if just one of them is out of place, the bacteria will not have propulsion. This in itself is massive proof against evolution: if this device was built up by natural selection, how was a non-functioning appendage on the back of the bacterium favoured by natural selection over the “millions of years” that it took to perfect it?

This question is asked by creationists all the time and patiently answered by scientists also all the time. smile You just need to read their answers, also about the bombardier beetle, look here:


and here:


Nobody has yet found anything which would disprove evolution, but all the time more and more things are found that are evidence that evolution really happened. God made us, but he used evolution! smile