As I need it for my project, I am developping a pathfinder solution using the paths created and edited in WED.
This pathfinder will use DIJKSTRA algo.
The first step is to inialize a matrix with the nodes links and the distances.
Here is an example of code to do that :

Basic Lite-C script for Pathfinding

Will use DIJKSTRA Algo
Nodes and edges are edited in WED using Path Objects (Add->Path and Vertex Move mode)

Version 0.01

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

int mat[1][1];		// Matrix where mat[i][j]>0 if there is a link between i and j
						// mat[i][j] = Distance between node number i and node number j
int nbNodes;		// How many nodes in the path ?

// An Entity is attached to a path, first we need to init the matrix 			
// Example :
// STRING* myPath = "path_000";
// ...
// action myAction()
// {
//		...
// 	initMat(me, myPath);
//		...
//	}	

function initMat(ENTITY* entPtr, STRING* entPath) 
	int i,j, numNextNode;
	int nodeOK=0, edgeOK=0, nbEdges=0;
	VECTOR posNode;	// needed for path_getnode function
	var edgeSkill[3];
	nbNodes = 0;
	nbNodes = path_set(entPtr, entPath); 					// path_set returns the number of nodes in the path (not in the manual !)
	realloc(mat, sizeof(int)*(nbNodes+1)*(nbNodes+1));	// (re)Set the matrix to the requested dimension
	for (i=1;i<=nbNodes; i++);									// All unexplored nodes should be set to zero
	for (j=1;j<=nbNodes; j++);
	nodeOK = path_getnode (entPtr,i,posNode.x,NULL);	// returns a positive value if node number i exist
		edgeOK = path_getedge (entPtr,i,j,edgeSkill);	// returns a positive value if edge number j exist
																		// edgeSkill[0]  = distance
																		// edgeSkill[1] = edge weight
																		// edgeSkill[1] = edge skill
			numNextNode = path_nextnode(entPtr, i, j);	// edge number j exist, this function returns the number of the destination node
			mat[i][numNextNode]=(int)edgeSkill[0];			// distance is stored in mat[i][numNextNode]
			// You want to check each edge ? -> Uncomment next line :
			//printf("Mat[%1d][%2d] = %3d",i,numNextNode,mat[i][numNextNode]);
			edgeOK = path_getedge (entPtr,i,j,edgeSkill);
		nodeOK = path_getnode (entPtr,i,posNode.x,NULL);	
	// You want to check number of edges ? -> Uncomment next line :
	// printf("Nb edges = %1d",nbEdges);

// NB : if you set a bi-directionnal sens between two points such as 1<->2, it will give 2 edges

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