If that is the reason to not make a game then you will find much bigger barriers in the future.

I remember the time where I created a complete episode of 9 levels for doom (yes the first doom) with an old DOS editor, not much feedback and long compiling times. The tutorial was too short and the interface was totally different.
But nobody did complain.

Today it is so easy to get into 3d. Blender is great and commercial tools are even better.

Shiva looks great to me, well thought and understandable. But I also have some doubts when I try to get into it: Many informations are spread in French and I don't understand French.
But I prefer C4 anyway because of the good scene-management there.

Nevertheless I appreciate the hard work and the good result of the Shiva technology and tools. They have a great material editor, good feedback while working and a lot of options and publishing possibilities - far more than many other tools provide.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft