Originally Posted By: jreuschel1
I didn't read it all, but it seems a waste of time when you have this:
everything as a whole IS God
the bible says god says "I, Am"
is the bible author a known liar or is god lying.

The bible says a lot, but doesn't prove any of what it claims... Having faith in something is not proof or evidence.


everything as a whole is also canceled out by negative forces.

so get a number line and a dictionary and a calculator

mark on your number line that zero equals God look in your dictionary to see if zero means existence or not and you have your answer.

Care to explain this? Don't forget it's TOTALLY arbitrary giving numbers to meanings of words. 1 God simply means there aren't 2, but only 1. As in the amount of Gods... yet some cultures believe in many more Gods so God would not be 1, but say 10 or so. Again, totally arbitrary even in the mathematical sense. Sure 1 usually means 'present' and 0 usually means 'absent', but we could have decided otherwise.

Really, the mere existence of the number zero, does not prove that God exists or something... in fact, in my opinion 0 as in zero evidence rather proves God does not exist or at least is unlikely to exist. I know it only takes evidence to prove the contrary is true, but if you go with what we REALLY know now, it's simply incredibly unlikely that some kind of supernatural God being exists somewhere.


then look up dispute in the dictionary
and ratio
and fair
and balance
and first

first there was balance AND fairness leading to a 1:1 ratio

maybe you've heard the phrase WORD for WORD
God is balance while god is Fair

Read the Bible, God is far from Fair and far from 'balance' too. His kind of justice is rather random (read:changing) at times or so it seems.


now we are holding all of this to the ruler of justice right?
so you agree that god DOES EXIST.

No, we do not agree that god does exist by discussing the possibility. The problem is, every idea is a possibility when it involves a lot of unknowns... Giant supernatural glowing red worms could have created life for all we know, all we really can determine by holding ideas to a ruler of knowledge is whether an idea is likely or unlikely (or downright crazy even). It's the best way of dealing with lots of unknowns, problem is some people don't agree with the amount of objectivity (or lack thereof?) involved.

Don't forget it's a somewhat 'funny' way of trying to figure out the truth objectively by simply assuming that what's written in the bible must be right with blind faith in what it says.

There are countless of other questions that need to be answered before you can even start of thinking about an actual being being involved in some kind of creation (remember whether you like it or not evolution doesn't point in the direction of a divine creation where some kind of divine intervention took place.)


1:1 ratio is equivalent to any A:A ratio including 0:0

Trust me, math is a really bad way of even trying to prove God. It's like saying God exists because the letters G, O and D exist in a sequence we use or something. Gets you no where.


the greatest battle ever fought is in the mind of man
this is true when the mind of man is complete

For each individual, for each generation or for each species of humans? Prove to me that humans did not have questions about their existence for as long as our species exists at every age a human life cycle goes through, it will be quite a challenge for sure! A kid will paint a flower and sun and probably not think in as complex ways as an adult would be able to, but it doesn't mean the kid doesn't also ever wonder why it exists. Even intelligence doesn't matter much, only the kind of interpretations and answers (and validity of them) will be different depending on intelligence, not the questions.

and finally look up bias in the dictionary

I always like it when people sort of imply that 'we' are biased, when in reality they themselves usually are incredibly close minded.. hence why they need to claim that we are somehow more biased than they are or something. Funny stuff. :p

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