If Mr. Doug Poston (sp) is indeed 'lost', than perhaps, a critical milestone was passed, with yet another unfortunate event.

In this age, maybe as a probe into a cloud of uncertainty and secrecy, users might have had to offer a prompt about an absence, where, maybe in the past, there seemed to be a greater sense of open policy, and with it, a stronger impression of honesty and integrity.

The question was "Where is Doug?"
Quoting jcl.
You won't hear much from Doug in the next time

Did those words adequately answer the question for most?
Are most like pliable, every laughing and bouncing, flash instance jelly, a substance seemingly lacking substance, backbone and persistence.
Maybe Doug just didn't fit in with shadowy policy and modern, moronic, jiggling, giggling, mass.

It is solved promptly in the norm, as there is rarely a shortage of fast shepherds, willing to guide and shape for their own selfish purposes.