It has little to do with my attitude towards religion, I actually am really open minded on the subject and like to discuss whatever other people think about it.

I think to some extent threads like this will not work when 'special' rules are in effect.

It seems the term philosophy has different meanings.

I see what you mean, but I made my comment only in context of wondering how a thread like this would be meaningful when science is discarded as if it doesn't exist.

This or that, gods / faith and knowledge / science, here and there, are many mind constructs of a being so lofty it fails at simple unity gains?

Yes, but religion never is about uniting anyone... instead it without exception will create a 'us and them' issue, used to keep people in one group under their control. Manipulation everywhere off course, but there's no reason to fear anything when there's no hostile outside, even if that's not actually real, but just a claim.

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