[this post is updated]
This is Newton topic and here you would be able to find latest update links and all info about Wrapper and Newton

Latest Litec+Newton version(23): here
First Newton manual (launching Newton with your project): Source, Source v2, English manual, Russian manual

Current Newton version: 2.10
Current Wrapper version: 23

Some info about "PhysX vs Newton" :
Here is my PMs with Julio, the creator of Newton:



Plus I am also adding eth CUDA support so the next Beta will come with Hardware simulation on GPU.
Therefore it will provide the same level of mass physics simulation as other commercial engine but with a real newtonian base physics engine like ODE, as opposed to a Impulse base Physics engine like all the others.

There are many, many reasons why a force based engine is far superior than a impulse base, although it have to be slower by nature, but as you can see Newton 2.0 is quite competitive.


also, can you give me more details about impulse and force-based physical engine?


Impulase base for force base p[hysic sare teh tow diffrent metod to make physis simulation.

Impulse was proposed by Brians Mirtich

and force base was propose by Davif Baraff

Impulse base very eassy to implement and is the methed used by Physx and Havok, it is also the method used by open source since they are all biproduct of Havov and PhyiX written by ex employee that when they leave the company use and older copy and re write as open source.

the problem with open source is the teh are incorrect since they violate a physics principle that state that and impulse can only be appliyed at and infinitesimal small period of time.
They apply impulse an dintegrate then as if tehey where forces, theyfor tehy are unstable and thsi si whay you see hundere of paore teh try to sov eteh problems.

Force base implementation are base on rigurose law of physics call the method of the virtual work, they are harder to solve but the are more stable and have the ability that the same solver solve all know rigid body problems.

1st prize: Lite-C and Newton 2.17 by Vasilenko Vitaliy

Newton2 videos: http://tinyurl.com/NewtonVideos
LiteC+Newton2 discussion: http://tinyurl.com/NewtonWrapperDiscussion
Latest LiteC+Newton2 version(v23, from 29.10.2009): http://depositfiles.com/files/ae1l0tpro