Joozy I love your contribution and you will save a lot of people a lot of work. I don't mean to give anyone a hard time but as an System Admin and serious C/C++ developer for over 25 years I have had to read a lot of licenses. We also have a patent/technical attorney to help us with the stuff we don't understand. MySQL is not interested in Game Development, and their license for using the dll in your own distributable program was over $10,000.00 USD the last time we checked. It is only free to web hosters and not to software developers. We were very sorry to learn this ourselves as we had developed an entire system online of MySQL databases and could not use them even on our local network. We were forced to move to SQLite because of the license restrictions from MySQL. Remember they are a for-profit company and have to sell something to keep developing. They sell seminars, support and licenses. For us small time developers the cost was prohibitive, plus we have to make sure that we can deliver all parts of our software legally and without restraint.

ATOMIX Productions
A7 Pro 7.50